changed .exe file default PROBLEM

Unknown | Saturday, February 18, 2012 | 0 comments

Many times ppl face problems while opening .EXE files.

  • The EXE file opens in Notepad.
  • EXE file opens in some other installed programs.
  • Windows displays "Open With" dialog box to choose the program.
  • Windows shows error message, "Windows cannot find .exe file. Make sure you typed the name correctly".
Most of the times it happens when you accidentally change .Exe file type settings from Folder Options. Sometimes it might happen due to virus.
Anyway no need to worry. Here is a solution which will fix this annoying problem:
1. Open Command Prompt by typing command in RUN dialog box.
2. Now provide following command:
3. It'll activate Windows folder. Now provide following command to open Registry Editor:
4. Now goto following key:
In right-side pane, change value of Default key to exefile
5. Now goto:
In right-side pane, change value of Default key to:
"%1" %*
6. Thats it. Now exit Registry Editor and restart your Windows. Now you should be able to open EXE files without any problem.

Please let me know if this helps you.


About the Author :
Am Hari Krishnan .Currently, I'm preparing a delicious meal... I take ingredients from the tech world... I have already used 2 tea spoons of software, 3 table spoons of network, a cup of linux and Windows, a jug of web and many more tasty ingredients!!


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